Friday, March 2, 2007


So I got an email from the Self Challenge today.

Your SELF Challenge reminder

Been a few days since you checked in with the SELF Challenge?
Come on back! Studies show those who keep track of their goals are more likely to achieve them. In other words, go to now to update your workout log or food diary, and we'll help you get your best body ever.
If you'd like to start the plan back where you left off—or even back at Week 1—hit the Previous Week button on your My Log page.
Now that's a bit odd, seeing as that I uploaded my first workout monday, then took tuesday off, then wednesday I entered two half hour cardio sessions (I went for an hour run, but they didn't have the pace I ran - a 10:30 - so I entered half an hour at 10 and half an hour at 11), then yesterday, I entered the Strength workout, which I actually did all the way through this time, and while I'm a bit less pissed at it, I still don't love it. So yeah, that just doesn't seem like the kind of thing that warrants a reminder.

Now, don't get me wrong, the reminder thing is brilliant idea, and the first thing I did when I got it was hurry on up and upload another workout for yesterday (half hour run at 10 minute miles, even though I actually did 9:30s but that's not an option either, even though 8:30 and 7:30 do exist... whatever.) I also put a one hour pilates session for today... and that ladies and gents fulfills my Self Challenge requirements for this week, which is funny because I still have two days of workout left in me.

But why did they send me a "where have you been?" note??? Should I be updating twice a day? every hour??? or is it the lack of food diary entering?

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