Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Travel Question - Expanded

Well, work's gotten in the way again and I've let the P90x and other general workouts slip by the wayside. Not so much a lack of motivation at this point, as a sheer exhaustion and a complete lack of time. The best I could muster, yet again, was getting out the door and hitting the road for a run.

Work has been inspiring and exhilarating lately, not just exhausting: I've been working my wrists into a frenzy on the fantastic documentary See What I'm Saying, directed by none other than the lovely Ms. Gabrielle Mullem. I'm also getting an amazing opportunity to travel with work to Cyprus to edit another documentary - truly a rare thing... most film editors don't get to travel much for work.

Which leads me to the topic of this post. I've written about travel workout schedules in the past, but that was related to vacation travel. Work travel is quite different, and I've never done it for quite this long... I'll be in Cyprus for almost a full month. So what is my strategy here?

My first tactic was to figure out my running options. I did that by looking for a Hash House Harriers group in Lefkosia which is where I'll be staying. Sure enough, there's a group that runs every Tuesday. First success! That should help me learn the running in Cyprus ropes, and give me some running buddies to boot.

Secondly, I've made sure my computer is loaded up with P90X workouts. However, I needed something else to supplement that. I don't really know how difficult my work schedule is going to be. So Big E helped me find a DVD set of Yoga workouts that have shorter workouts, relaxing workouts, stress-relieving workouts... the works. Good Stuff.

I'll let you know how it goes and hopefully some cool photos of Cyprus while I'm at it.

Any of you P90Xers out there big work travellers?


Anonymous said...

I did all of P90 and all but about two weeks so far of P90X (8 weeks into my first round) on the road. But I drive to my jobs so I pack up my little suv with my weights and stuff and set up my gym in my hotel rooms. I find that, at least for me, being on the road and having a set schedule and routine makes it easier to eat right and get my workouts done. Traveling overseas might be a different story, but if it were me, I might look around and see if I couldn't find a place that sells dumbbells and just sell them back when I am ready to leave. Short of that, I would probably put Tony on my ipod and just go to a local gym and listen to him (do we really need to watch him do his downward dogs?)..

Hope that helps!


Unknown said...

I don't travel with p90x, but I do have shifts that change every week (including graveyards) so its hard to adjust.

What I do is keep the videos on my ipod and just goto the gym before or after work, I work right above my gym anyway.

Sara said...

Hey Mat, thanks for the suggestions. Haven't solved the problem yet (haven't found a gym I can easily get to & no weights yet, but am getting closer!)

Hey Pilgrim, the ipod suggestions is a great one - I might try to export the workouts as mp3s and see how that goes. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I had the same problem last time I traveled. I've been doing P90X for 9 months now and I must say that I do miss it when I'm travelling and have to use a hotel's weight room.