Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A P90X Runner's Schedule

I've been meaning to do this for a while, but things kept getting in the way (a trip to NYC to meet with an agent about my cookbook-The Athlete Gourmet, then Mono and Strep... you know: the usual.)

So here it is, now that I'm feeling well enough to begin testing it out: A runner's schedule that incorporates P90X. Actually, it can also double as an ultimate frisbee player's schedule that incorporates P90X, since that's what Big E is doing.

The main issues are that it is very difficult to incorporate all 6 days of workouts from the P90X schedule if you're also running 30-40 miles a week. Ditto if you're having two ultimate practices and a track training day. I mean, we do have jobs!
So I'm taking my standard running schedule (possibly toned down just a touch) and supplementing it with P90X workouts. I'm leaning more towards P90X Lean because I'm more interested in lean tone than bulking up. Also, as I'm recovering from illness, I want to ease into it.

Here is what I'm doing this week (haven't quite ramped up my running yet):

TuesdayCore Synergistics
Wednesday4 mile run
ThursdayChest & Shoulders
FridayYoga X & 5 mile run
Saturday10k run
Sunday5-7mile run

Then, the following week, switch out the Chest & Shoulder for Legs and back and then keep alternating. This is the introduction phase, as I'm ramping my running back up and getting the rest of myself into shape as well.

For Big E, his monday-friday schedule is the same, but then he has ultimate frisbee practice (or a tournament) on the weekends. I'll keep you posted on how it goes!

Already I can tell you, it's amazing how quickly one falls behind and Core Synergistics was *so* hard today! Though part of that could be just because I'm still illin'.


Unknown said...

Hey Guys,

I like your blog, looks like you we are on the same wavelength. Check us out at www.fitlifesf.com

My has recently gotten heavy into running (The Nike+ is addictive I guess) And will love to see how your P90X running schedule works for you.

Keep it up.


Sara said...

Hey Robert,
Welcome! Isn't the NIke+ addictive? I love their new training feature too.
The running schedule worked for two wks but then my travel and work intensive summer schedule kicked in and everything fell behind. But i'm back and getting back on track now. Look for a new post about that today!!!