Monday, April 28, 2008

The P90X Manifesto

Sara and I are both about to dive back into regular, dedicated workout programs. As it stands, we're both heading back into P90X, tweaked here and there for various reasons (but gearing back up so we can check out Plus!). Whenever I start something like this, 90 days of concerted effort, I try to establish a theme for the duration, something like a manifesto.

Manifestos abound: I recently read an interview with Michael Pollen, author of The Omnivore's Dilemma and the more recent In Defense of Food. In the latter, he states his food manifesto: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

"Eat food" seems silly, but when you think about it, food has become hard to define. What he's saying is simple: eat stuff you know is food. Anything with more than three ingredients, he says, isn't food – and he's right. I've been one of those people who feels like they can't do with out the convenience of energy bars, gels, water additives and supplements. All that "manufactured" food serves a decent purpose, but come on – how did Steve Prefontaine fuel up and recover?

Not to go off on a food tangent, because I leave all that to my brilliant foodie blog partner Sara. But it did make me think about manifestos – simple guides for everyday life, based on knowledge, principles or sense. It's all about shifting back to what is true, what is real, and what works.

I burned out on p90x last year, and after a long period of inactivity it's tough to gear back up for another rotation. What will keep me pushing the physical envelope? Losing weight, while an admirable goal, never has and never will sustain this kind of effort. Why am I going extreme when all I really need to do is a few runs and maybe a spin class or two? Because it's concentrated, well-planned, and because I had already unconsciously created a P90X manifesto.

It's not a catch phrase; "Bring it" doesn't do it for me (although I like and appreciate the less-touted "Decide. Commit. Succeed"). But I think each of us has a manifesto for any planned workout program. Here's mine for this next 90 days:

Dedicate yourself. Crave the effort more than the results. Value all achievements.

Got one? Want to create one? We'd love to see them.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I found this blog. As opposed to most other blogs it's not just, "I did this. And then I did this. And this. And this." Very refreshing! I'm on week 2 of p90x, and loving it! I had borrowed it from a friend for a few days and loved, so I had to buy my own. I'm doing the leavn version and can already see some amazing results!! I'll be back, maybe I'll try to come up with my own manifesto today!

Jen said...

Hi, my hubby and I are on day 16 of P90X. I was just looking around for some other women who are "tough enough" to take on something like P90X. Found your blog. you think this is the best "90 day plan" out there? Have you seen good results from it?

Sara said...

Hey Zuchica, Welcome!
Glad you're enjoying the blog and good luck with the plan! keep up the good work.

Sara said...

Hey m, j, b, etc - Nice work getting to day 16! I have to say, so far, I think that P90X have given me the best results of any of the 90 day programs that I've done. I did like doing Yourself! fitness a lot though, for its variety and those days when I wasn't feeling tough enough - but based on results alone, P90X has been the winner for me.

Anonymous said...

My overall manifesto that drives me in all that I do is this: "life is short." For P90X it might be, "step two."

Great blog, by the way! You guys are terrific writers..

I just finished P90 last week and I will start P90X next week and have been tracking it on my own blog.

Check it out!