Thursday, July 5, 2007

Where to Find P90X

A reader recently left a comment asking where to find the virtual purchase point for P90X: it's on You'll find it, among several other programs (like Yoga Booty Ballet, which sounds so girly I want to grab balls I don't have and vocalize in monosyllabic grunts) under "Best Sellers."

*grunt*...X goooood...*grunt*

1 comment:

Jack said...

Oh man p90x is killer. I used to have a couple roommates who would get up before class and do p90x. I used to get up too to go running and sometimes I'd get back and watch them workout and I'd laugh because they looked so ridiculous. Then they convinced me to do a week with them...and I about died. They may have looked ridiculous, but they were getting the workout of their life. Good luck to any who try it.